The Mutual Bank has welcomed David Vincent as its new Chief Financial Officer.

Mr Vincent, who has a Bachelor of Commerce and is a Chartered Accountant, is responsible for the member-owned bank’s Finance and Treasury portfolios.

The Mutual Bank’s CEO, Mark Williams, said it was exceptionally pleasing that The Mutual Bank was able to attract such a wide range of applications from highly qualified and experienced candidates for the role.

“We are pleased to welcome someone with David’s experience and passion for mutual banking to our Executive Leadership Team,” he said.

Prior to joining The Mutual Bank, Mr Vincent spent 14 years in a range of Finance roles at one of the largest mutual banks in Australia, having most recently held the position of Head of Finance.

Mr Vincent has a wide range of experience specific to mutual banking, including financial reporting, regulatory reporting, prudential compliance, budget preparation and management reporting.

He said he was looking forward to working with The Mutual Bank Board and team in the next step in his career.

“I have a genuine passion for customer-owned banking and I am excited to be working in an organisation that aligns to both my personal and professional values,” he said.


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