Building and Contents Insurance 

Protect your home inside and out with combined Building and Contents Insurance.

Your buildings and items will be covered for a range of incidents. Plus, CGU offers a lifetime guarantee on the workmanship of authorised repairs to your home.

And if you’re looking for the highest level of cover, choose Building & Contents Plus when you’re getting a quote.

✓ Theft & vandalism: Cover for stolen items and damage to your items from robbery and vandalism, including stolen keys.

✓ Flood, storm & storm surge: Cover for loss or damage to your home and items caused by flood, rainwater run-off, storm, storm surge and tsunami.1

✓ Rebuilding your home: CGU pays to repair or rebuild your home up to the insured amount if it’s damaged by a covered event.

✓ Fire: Cover for loss and damage to your home and items caused by fire (including bushfire).

✓ Temporary accommodation: If your home can't be lived in after a covered event, CGU pays for temporary accommodation.2

✓ Emergency repairs: If your home needs urgent repairs after an event CGU covers, CGU is available 24/7 to help keep you safe.

✓ Visitors' belongings: Cover for your visitors' items (except money) if they're damaged by a covered event in your home (up to $2,500).

✓ Liability for injury or damage: Cover for your legal liability in some situations if someone’s injured or their property’s damaged (up to $20m).3

Manage your insurance online

For policies purchased or renewed after 3 March 2025, you can make certain updates online, such as adjusting your excess amounts or optional benefits.

Simply log in to your account to see the available options. For assistance, call CGU at 13 24 81.

For significant changes, like purchasing a new car, please call us directly at 1300 688 825.

Compare Your Cover

This table compares the cover CGU provide under the types of insurance and levels of cover they offer. The amount and extent of cover, including additional benefits and optional benefits, may also vary depending on the cover selected. For detailed terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions, please read the Product Disclosure Statement.



Building Plus

Contents Plus

Building Standard

Contents Standard

Cover for loss or damage to Your Home and Contents

Accidental breakage of glass y y y y
Animal damage y y y y
Deliberate or intentional act y y y y
Earthquake y y y y
Escape of water or liquid y y y y
Explosion y y y y
Fire y y y y
Flood or Rainwater Run-off y y y y
Impact y y y y
Lightning y y y y
Riot or civil commotion y y y y
Storm y y y y
Storm Surge or tsunami y y y y
Theft or attempted theft y y y y
Accidental damage – at Your Home Optional y y Optional Optional 
Electrical motor burnout Optional y y Optional Optional 
Cover for liability y y y y

Additional benefits

Accidental damage for Contents in transit to new home x y x y
Buying a new home y x y x
Contents away from Your Home x y x y
Contents in storage x y x y
Contents in the open air x y x y
Contents in transit x y x y
Food spoilage x y x y
Funeral expenses y y y y
Identity theft x y x y
Landscaping y x y x
Locating the cause of damage y x y x
Meeting building regulations y x y x
Mortgage discharge costs y x y x
Moving to a new home x y x y
Owner fixtures – Strata scheme x y x y
Professional and rebuilding fees y x y x
Removal of debris y y y y
Replacement of keys and locks y y y y
Safety net y x x x
Storage costs x y x y
Students living away from Home x y x y
Temporary accommodation y y y y
Visitors’ belongings x y x y

Optional benefits

Accidental damage – at Your Home Automatically Included  Automatically Included  Optional  Optional 
Electrical motor burnout Automatically Included  Automatically Included  Optional  Optional 
Portable Contents – away from Your Home Optional Optional x Optional  x Optional 
Valuable Contents – inside Your Home x Optional  x Optional 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can. The calculation provided is just a guide. It's your responsibility to ensure your home is insured for its full replacement value. However, if you insure your home or contents for more than the cost to repair, replace, or rebuild, CGU will only pay the actual cost of repairing, replacing, or rebuilding.

Accidental damage cover protects you when unexpected mishaps occur around your home. For instance, it would cover you if yourchild accidentally knocked over the TV and broke the screen, or if you accidentally put your foot through the ceiling while in the roof. Whether your building, contents, or both are covered depends on your policy. Accidental damage cover can be added as an optional benefit to your Building Standard policy. If you upgrade to Building Plus, it’s automatically included.

Yes, you can choose who repairs your home. However, if you decide not to use one of CGU’s partner repairers, they won't be able to guarantee the workmanship or repairs that are completed, nor assist in managing the repairer regarding timeframes or quality. CGU will also only pay you the fair and reasonable amount that the repairs should cost.

The changes you can make to your policies using your online account depend on the specific policies you hold.

For example, if you have a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy, you can: 

  • Add/edit the car's VIN
  • Add/remove a windscreen option
  • Add/remove a hire car
  • Add/remove drivers
  • Add/remove the car's credit provider
  • Amend your excess
  • Amend your sum insured
  • Change and view your risk address
  • Change kilometres driven/garaging
  • Change the address where the car is kept
  • Change your car's number plate details
  • Switch from agreed value to market value


For more information about what changes you can make to your policy, please contact CGU on 13 24 81.

We're here when you need us

Contacting CGU Claims

Our partner CGU is here for you anytime, any day. Call CGU's claims team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 13 24 80 to make a claim.

For more information on the claims process, visit CGU's claims website.

Claims Guarantee

CGU offers a lifetime guarantee on the workmanship of authorised repairs to your home.

Payment Options

Choose your cover and pay fortnightly, monthly or quarterly at no extra cost.​

We're ready to help you

Important Information

What you need to know: 

1 CGU don’t cover actions of the sea, such as tides and waves.

2 If you have Building Insurance with CGU Insurance, and you own and live in your home, CGU covers the costs for temporary accommodation that CGU agrees are reasonable and appropriate for you. Additional limits, exclusions and conditions apply.

3 Cover applies if the incident happens at your home (under Building insurance).

4 CGU covers motors for up to 15 years after they were made, provided they are not covered by a warranty or used in your business. 

Excesses may apply. Refer to your Certificate of Insurance. For detailed terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions, please read the Product Disclosure Statement.

The information on this website is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs ("your personal circumstances"). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase a product, you should consider your personal circumstances and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement. The Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations are available from CGU website here.

The Mutual Bank ABN 94 087 651 983, AFSL 238139 acts under its own AFSL and under an agreement with the issuer Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL 227681 under the CGU brand. Any advice provided is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs (your personal circumstances). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase a product, you should consider your personal circumstances and the relevant the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations from the CGU website here.
