Scheduled payments for 25 and 26 December 2024 will be processed in advance on 24 December 2024. Please see our branch opening hours for the festive season here.
Keeping track of your money is easy with Mutual Alerts.
Alerts can be sent as an email or text message on your phone to advise you about a range of actions on your accounts, such as when your pay is credited, or a car payment is debited.
Some of your Mutual Alerts options:
If you would like to activate Mutual Alerts you can do so by logging into your Internet Banking.
Go to Inbox >Alerts >New alert >Select the account you want the alert set up on from the drop-down menu>Choose type of alert you require from the drop-down menu>follow prompts if further details of the alert are required>Choose mobile or email>submit password>save.
We are here to help. If you need assistance setting up Mutual Alerts, please call us on 1300 688 825 or visit one of our branches.