Important: DO NOT click on unexpected links you receive on mobile devices, even if they resemble known brands including The Mutual Bank.

We have received information from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) about an emerging text message scam targeting Australians.

 What is the ‘Flubot’ scam?

Since August, Australians have increasingly been receiving scam text messages about missed calls, voicemails, or deliveries. The ACCC is currently receiving thousands of reports per day about this scam which originated overseas earlier this year.

 How does this scam work?

These ‘Flubot’ scam messages contain a link. If a person clicks the link and downloads the app presented, their phone will be infected with malware (malicious software). Once installed your device is compromised; the application can read and send text messages, make calls, and access contacts.

The app may also upload the device’s contact list to a central server which then distributes scam text messages to your contacts.

The ACCC has advised that while Flubot can only infect Android devices at this stage, clicking the links in the messages may also cause iPhones to download other malware.

Examples of ‘Flubot’ scam messages are available on the Scamwatch website.

 How can you protect yourself?

If you receive any unexpected message, it may be a‘Flubot’ message, do not reply to the message or click or tap on the link. Delete the message immediately.

If you clicked on a “Flubot’ message link and/or have installed the FluBot app, the ACCC has recommended to do a factory reset on your device to remove the malware. You could also contact an IT professional or download official Android antivirus software from Google Play.

Learn more about ‘FluBot’ scams and other relevant phone scams on the ID Care and Scamwatch websites.

Have you been scammed?

If you believe someone has compromised your device or personal information, please contact us immediately on 1300 688 825.

Consider taking further action:

  • Make a report to ReportCyber if you have been a victim of this cybercrime.
  • Report the scam to the ACCC via the report a scam page.
  • If you have lost personal information to a scammer and are concerned, you can contact IDCARE.
  • Tell your friends and family so they can take steps to protect themselves.

For the latest scam information visit